Jacquie Ward, Chair
Aeromed Group
Kisa Caruthers, Immediate Past Chair
Burns & McDonnell
Peter Kowalski, 2nd Vice Chair
Keith Bradley, Secretary
Made in KC
Allen Roberson, Treasurer
Rockhurst High School
Michelle Anderson
OMNI Human Resource Management
Megan Blanton
Black & Veatch
Shannon Gordon
The Gordon Law Firm
Pharamond Guice
William Jewell College
Suzanne Gunning
FairWave Coffee Collective
Sherae Honeycutt
Press Secretary
City of Kansas City -
David Hunt
First Citizens Bank
Benno Landfair
Fisher Law
Nate Lindstrom
Katie Lord
Big Brothers Big Sisters KC
Jessica Lyons
Commerce Private Banking
Twynette Neer
American Century Investments
The Hon. Janette Rodecap
16th Circuit Court of Jackson County
Amanda Yoder
Lathrop GPM